MODERN GLOBAL COLLEGE: Einstein Academy was established in 2001 AD as a modern and dynamic education institution imparting quality education in an affordable and conducive environment with an innovative approach that enables students to achieve excellence in all walks of life in the Global Society.
VISIONARY & COMPASSIONATE FOUNDERS: Founded and run by Professional Academicians with love, compassion, empathy, knowledge, wisdom, and decades of career experience in Nepal and abroad under their belts including: U.S. (Hawaii, Omaha, New York), U.K., Hong Kong, Australia, Singapore, New Zealand, to mention a few.
WELL-QUALIFIED TEACHERS: Accompanied by a team of well-qualified, highly experienced, and dedicated faculty members who have studied and worked in Nepal and abroad. Best of all, the students will be taught and groomed by the industry's best of the best knowledgeable instructors. You have to see it to believe it!
LEADING INSTITUTION: Set in the rich cultural context of Kathmandu, Nepal. It is one of the best choice of aspiring students where students from across the country join E.A. for a World Class Secondary (+2) and Bachelor's Degree education. We have a saying that “A Step in Einstein, A great Leap
Forward in the future”.
AFFORDABLE: Affordable tuition fees and excellent academic environment in a unique system that is second-to-non. Affordable quality education within your reach!
SCHOLARSHIPS: Over thousands of students benefited from Einstein Academy's Scholarships scheme since its inception in 2001 AD and many more scholarships have been awarded to the victims of April 25th, 2015 Nepal Earthquake. There is a provision of scholarship scheme to the students according to their GPA result in SEE and in +2, as well as students with economic hardships, and socially challenged.
RESULTS HIGH ABOVE NATIONAL AVERAGE: Due to the unique system, since its inception, the track record of +2 and BBS results are outstanding, which is high above the national average. As a result HSEB has honoured Top 10 +2 College with outstanding BBS (TU) results.
AFFILIATION AND MODERN INSTRUCTIONAL APPROACH: EA is affiliated to the National Examinations Board (NEB) and Tribhuwan University (TU), Kathmandu, Nepal. A high level integrated modern instructional approach, state of art facilities, high technical standard, academic support service and ample extra co-curricular activities with unique system are central to Academy's educational principle to achieve the motto 'EXCELLENCE IS THE GOAL' .
KITCHEN LAB: State of the art Kitchen Lab with grills, ovens and all necessary equipments for the practical works as per the requirement of NEB curriculum, whereby students are benefited with hands-on experience. Thus, they become capable of preparing not only the delicious and healthy recipes or menu items, but also nutritious enough that meets Global Nutrition Standard Guidelines. In addition, they learn about variety of liquid ingredients including Sodas, Carbonated Water, Fruit Juices, Distilled-Water, Non-alcoholic as well as Alcoholic beverages to learn Cocktail Mixes.
SCIENCE LAB: There are separate Science Labs, such as Physics, Chemistry and Biology at state - of- art facility. All the science students are required to perform and complete the entire practical within the stipulated time frame.
COMPUTER LAB & Wi-Fi: State of the Art Computer Lab for the students with well-equipped Wi-Fi, LAN (Local-Area-Network), and WAN (Wide-Area-Network) access for World Wide Web. Students are encouraged for the practical and project works, as per the national and international curriculum for the wide exposure.
LIBARY: Well-stocked Library as well as a quiet study zone for students to focus on their studies after classes or before exams. Study Tip: “Do not let go A DAY pass by without 3 hours of self-study at the minimum daily! Every drop makes an Ocean."
Learning Management System: (LMS) Incases, such as Covid-19, Online courses are run efficiently in all (+2 and Bachelors) levels through professional Learning Management System (TEAMS). Therefore, students are encouraged to have a good Lap Top, instead of Smart Phone with good quality internet facility at home. Students will soon have the ability to learn and access course ware curriculum via their Mobile /Lap top devices as well as through the Internet, remotely at the comfort of their home.
GAMES, SPORTS AND CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Basket-ball, Table Tennis, Badminton or Sport Activities and extra-co-curricular activities are conducted every year for the real exposure and wholesome personality development of students. If you have health, you have everything! Hence, health is your wealth and everything else comes after! Meditate in the morning and late afternoon for 20 minutes each. Never give up this habit!
CAFETERIA: Cafeteria is filled with fresh nutritious and well-balanced food to vitalize the mind. College administration is always concern and gives emphasis on the health of its staff and students as well.
TRANSPORTATION SERVICES: Campus is situated along outside of the ring road; so all sorts of transport (mini, micro, bus etc.) are easily available from all corners of valley. Students can have easy reach to College. So demand for school bus service is no more required. Therefore, pick up and drop off services are not provided from the academic year 2078 BS.
MEDICAL CARE: First aid will be provided in case of medical emergencies. Make sure to take all required vaccines for precautions. “Prevention is always better than cure”. If you are allergic to any medications or ingredients or medical problems, please! Notify Administrative Staff in person immediately. Health Tips: Prioritize your errands, study activities and good sleep, so that you will be refreshed and enhance your power of study.
STUDENT COUNCIL / COUNSELING: It is a non - political, officially elected or appointed student body, which functions under the guidance of caring team of administration to conduct games and sports, co-curricular, social and literary activities. The team of administrative staff will counsel and shed light to students in time of need to guide through obstacles, distractions, and difficult times in life. If you are having emotional breakdowns or symptoms of mental distress, please! Notify EA Administration in person immediately. The difference you feel is priceless! Including less stressed, more mentally focus, healthy, wise, forgiving, loving, and compassionate, the list goes on.
PARENT TEACHER MEETING: Parent teacher interactions are routinely facilitated in order to bring alignment and bridge communication gap between students, teachers and parents, whereby students are cared, encouraged and motivated. Thus, positive results are surely seen. Be assured!
ENGLISH MEDIUM: Medium of Instruction is in English. You may have the English language problem, yet not to worry; you will develop a good command of English in oral fluency as well as writing over the years of studying, communicating, and presenting at EA.
GIRLS AND BOYS HOSTEL: Due to Covit-19, Hostel Facility has been discontinued, however, there are privately run hostels available nearby.
GRADUATES & ALUMNI NETWORK: With over thousands whom graduated from Einstein Academy, by God's grace and the virtue of a strong bond, they are in regular communication with the College and their respective EA's Alumni Network. As they say relationship is built on the frequency of communications in sharing their sweet memories. What a MAGICAL moment it was to have lived, acquired knowledge, wisdom and built ever-lasting relationships of a life time in this space and time. God Bless All. Einsteinian!
Mr.Kabiraj Rai (K.R. Rai)
Founder Chairperson / Chief Executive Director
Former HOD Science / Computer Department,
British Gurkha High School, Hong Kong
Mr. Kul Prasad Gurung (K.P. Gurung)
Founder Principal
Former Deputy headteacher,
British Gurkha High School, Hong Kong